Stumbling blocks....

This was my running trail this morning in lovely Sydney, Cape Breton. I held the last of my health meetings over the last two days - and I am so happy to see them done. I don't know if it's hormone-induced mood swings, or fatigue, or the weather, or what, but everything about this week was hard. Getting my butt out of bed to go on a run, even on this lovely path, was hard. Doing yoga last night was hard. Not making all the wrong food choices was hard.

I failed some on that last one. Last night, as I was cleaning up from my meeting, left alone in the conference room, I suddenly grabbed one of the muffins that had been left over and ate it. And then another. I never do things like that. I didn't necessarily want a muffin. I was hungry, because I hadn't eaten supper yet, but I had a salad waiting for me, and still, that's been the case for all of the meetings, and I've never felt the need to randomly start eating muffins. And, boy, did my body tell me how I never do things like that today.

No, I know what happened. I was sad, and lonely, and upset, and let the side of my brain that always wants to control those emotions with food take over for a few minutes. It was a bad move. But, at least I see what it was and, hopefully, can move past it now.

And these meetings are behind me now, thank goodness. No more running around the province for the time being. No more dealing with strange places, or overheating cars, or touchy laptops, or crappy driving weather. The driving weather today was really crappy, by the way. I can go back to my routine of "go to work, go to gym, go home."

These meetings definitely caused some stumbling blocks on my journey. But you know what? I made it. Sometimes that's all that matters.

Now it's time to move on. My running isn't coming as well as I'd hoped, I think in part because I've been so fatigued. Shawn's also a little worried I'm overworking my legs. He suggested a deep-tissue massage to help ease some of the tightness, and admittedly, I think it's something I'll try if I can get an appointment that works with my work schedule. I notice it's getting harder and harder to really stretch my legs and hips well - there always seems to be some residual tightness. I'm just a little ... gahhh... on the idea of someone touching me that much. I don't really like being touched. I mean, I handle my chiropractor, and have finally stopped tensing when Shawn physically corrects my form (as he's figured out I just have no innate sense of "straight"), but there's a lot more touching involved in massage. And a lot of nakedness. I'm not so into nakedness. Hmm... still... I like running. I want to be a good runner. Decisions...

I've got a day off tomorrow to take my nephew to the dentist, and am hopefully going to Zumba again. Just looking forward to not going to work.

Happy Hump Day all!


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