God, I hate driving....
I don't, really, but right now I do.
Left for the dog show at 11 o'clock this morning. Finally got back at 9 o'clock. LOOOONG day. Four of those hours, at least, were spent driving.
Did really well. Got a Group Second on Xavier and a Group Third on my client dog, a Corgi named Sensei. Both nice wins. More satisfying was, of course, hearing people tell me how good I looked, and even moreso, realizing how much better I felt. For the first time in my life, I felt elegant while showing my elegant dog. I felt like I was moving more freely, and lightly. Everything just seemed easier.
Training session went really well last night. Learned a killer new ab/core move that Shawn pretty much invented, I think just to see if he could find a core move that would actually kill my abs. It worked. Oh my God, it was hard. Take a ten pound weight (we use the plates from the free weights). Lift your feet off the ground, knees bent to 90 degrees. Lift your shoulders off the mat. Hold the weight directly above your chest, with your arms locked. Now twist to one side, then back to middle, then to the other side (going until you feel like you can't hold tension), then back to middle, then crunch straight up. That's one. Not one set, ONE. Do that twelve times. Then, at the end of the set, do 10-12 v-ups holding the weight out in front of you. Then repeat the whole thing at least once more. I didn't get through the second set. But it's okay. I have a whole week while he's off on vacation to master it!
Have a show again tomorrow, with another four hours driving, so I'm gonna curl up with my tea and a book and get some rest.
Stella Virgin
* From THE KING COLLECTED COLLECTION, a parody of the first chapter of
(nearly) every Stephen King novel that I'm currently wrapping up.*
2 years ago
All I can say to that is ouch!! How do your abs feel??
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