I blinked and it was a month!!!
I'm so, so sorry to all my followers. Law school... well, it is a real kick in the teeth. I'm loving it. I'm loving every second of it. But holy crap, is it ever kicking my butt.
My itinerary for a given day:
5:30 am: Get up (I know, gross, right?)
6:40 am: Leave home (after getting breakfast, taking care of dogs, etc)
8:00 am: Arrive at school. Read for class/Go to class.
4:30 pm: Head for home
6:00 pm: Actually get home. Get supper. Read my mail.
6:30ish pm: Read for next day's classes
11:00 pm: Go to bed. Wonder if I'm crazy.
I have started working out a routine where there is actually some physical activity worked into all that. I often hit the gym for a noon workout class when I can (I'm a five minute walk from the local Goodlife) and I have a couple mornings a week where I run at the university track. Yes, I'm finally back to running. It's the only thing keeping me sane. I also make sure to get a workout in Friday evening at my own gym and either Saturday or Sunday. It just helps to still have "my" gym.
The good news is, as nuts as it has been getting into this routine, and with eating habits that have gone a little wonky, I have not gained a single pound. I haven't lost any either, but I'll take what victories I can get. Hopefully as I start to settle into a routine a bit more, I'll manage to get off the last eight or so pounds I'm still looking to lose.
It's been a very long weekend for me - dog show this weekend - and I'm taking tomorrow off to take my nephew apple-picking, so I must sign off. Will hopefully be chatting at you sooner rather than later!
Stella Virgin
* From THE KING COLLECTED COLLECTION, a parody of the first chapter of
(nearly) every Stephen King novel that I'm currently wrapping up.*
2 years ago
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